Our intentions are to provide 100% free, high quality Medical and Surgical Eye care to Children...
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Care to Children
Our intentions are.......Eye care to children.
Needy People
Need Your Help
You must never look for a reason to help those who yearn for support. Extending a helping hand not only vanish tears of their face, but also acts as a cure for oneself.
What we do
We provide Education and Healthcare for under privileged children in India. Our activities are primarily concentrated in promoting healthcare and education in Gujarat.
We commenced our activities in 1985 and since then have built and repaired 15 Primary and Secondary schools, a Technical College and Computer Centre in Rajkot District, Gujarat.
We are also being funded by Central and Gujarat Government of India.
With the support of charitable organizations, government and our donors we aim to provide free medical and surgical eye care for children of whole Gujarat.
Our mission is to work towards the prevention of child blindness, in gujarat and around the world